'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to perform Pavâranâ with the twofold formula1.'
IV, 15, 2.
The danger from savage people became still more urgent. The Bhikkhus were not able to perform Pavâranâ with the twofold formula.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to perform Pavâranâ with the onefold formula 1.'
The danger from savage people became still more urgent. The Bhikkhus were not able to perform Pavâranâ with the onefold formula.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I allow, O Bhikkhus, that all the Bhikkhus who have kept Vassa together, perform Pavâranâ (by one common declaration).'
2. At that time in a certain district on the day of Pavâranâ the greater part of the night had passed away while (lay-) people were offering gifts (to the Bhikkhus). Now the Bhikkhus thought: 'The greater part of the night has passed away while the people were offering gifts. If the Samgha performs Pavâranâ with the threefold formula, it will not have finished the Pavâranâ when day breaks. Well, what are we to do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
3. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, in a certain district on the day of Pavâranâ the greater part of the night has passed away while people were offering gifts (to the Bhikkhus). Now if those Bhikkhus think: "The greater part (&c., down to :) when day breaks,"
1 This means apparently that the Bhikkhus were not obliged to pronounce the formula of Pavâranâ (chap. 1, 14) thrice, but twice or once respectively.
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