IV, 6, 3.
four (as) in a (regular) chapter. If they do, they commit a dukkata offence.
'Now, O Bhikkhus, where four Bhikkhus dwell (together), they must not convey the Pavâranâ of one (to their assembly) and hold Pavâranâ with each other by three. If they do, they commit a dukkata offence.
'Now, O Bhikkhus, where three Bhikkhus (&c., as in the last clause).
'Now, O Bhikkhus, where two Bhikkhus dwell, one of them must not convey the Pavâranâ of the other one, and fix (only) his thoughts (upon the Pavâranâ). If he does, he commits a dukkata offence.'
1. At that time a certain Bhikkhu was guilty of an offence on the day of Pavâranâ. Now this Bhikkhu thought: 'The Blessed One has prescribed: "Pavâranâ is not to be held by a Bhikkhu who is guilty of an offence 1." Now I am guilty of an offence. What am I to do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'In case, O Bhikkhus, a certain Bhikkhu be guilty of an offence on the day of Pavâranâ (&c., as in II, 27. 1, 2, down to :) "When I shall feel no doubt, then I will atone for that offence." Having spoken thus, let him hold Pavâranâ. But in no case must there any hindrance arise to holding Pavâranâ from such a cause.'
2-3. At that time a certain Bhikkhu remembered
1 See chap. 16, § 1.
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