IV, 4.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that on the day of Pavâranâ he who declares his Pavaranâ, is to declare also his consent1 (to acts to be performed eventually by the Order), for (both declarations) are required for the Samgha (and for the validity of its acts)?
At that time relations of a certain Bhikkhu kept him back on the day of Pavâranâ, &c.8
1. At that time five Bhikkhus dwelt in a certain district (or, in a certain residence of Bhikkhus) on the day of Pavâranâ.
Now these Bhikkhus thought : ‘The Blessed One has prescribed the holding of Pavâranâ by the Samgha, and we are (only) five persons 4. Well, how are we to hold Pavâranâ ?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One. 'I prescribe, Bhikkhus, that five Bhikkhus should hold Pavâranâ in a (regular) chapter 6.?
2. At that time four Bhikkhus dwelt in a certain
1 See II, 23. 3 Comp. the finishing clause of II, 23.
This is a repetition of II, 24, but instead of Uposatha' and Pârisuddhi' read 'Pavâranâ.'
* As a general rule five Bhikkhus were sufficient to form the quorum ; but for the performance of several among the official acts of the Order the presence of more than five members was required; see IX, 4, I seq.
See IX, 4, 1.
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