III, 14, 8.
does not come back, this Bhikkhu's entering, &c., is valid, and as to his promise he has committed no offence.
8-10. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu has promised, &c., and having gone to that district, he holds Uposatha there (on the last day of the half month), and on the first day (of the next half month) he goes to the Vihâra, &c.1
II. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu has promised (to a lay-devotee) to take up his Vassa residence (with him) at the later period, and when going to that district, he holds Uposatha outside, &c.2'
End of the third Khandhaka, which treats of entering upon Vassa.
1 Here follows an exact repetition of all the cases given in §§ 5-7; the only difference is, that in the former cases it was said: 'When going to that district, he holds Uposatha outside,' instead of which it is said now: Having gone to that district, he holds Uposatha there.
2 The cases given in §§ 5-10 are repeated here; instead of 'Earlier period,' it is said here 'Later period;' instead of 'Before the Pavâranâ' (§ 7), 'Before the komudî kâtumâsinî.' The komudî kâtumâsinî is the full moon day in the month Kattika, which is frequently called Kaumuda in the Epic literature; the epithet kâtumâsinî refers to the Vedic Kâturmâsya festival, which falls upon that day (Kâtyâyana, Srautasûtra V, 6, 1). For those who entered upon Vassa at the later period (in the Srâvana month), the end of Vassa fell on the Komudî day.
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