32 I
Those Bhikkhus told the thing to the Blessed One.
Such an agreement, О Bhikkhus, ought not to be made--that nobody shall receive the pabbaggâ ordination during the rainy season. He who makes (an agreement like this), commits a dukkata offence.
1. At that time the venerable Upananda Sakyaputta had promised to king Pasenadi of Kosala to take up his Vassa residence (with him) at the earlier period. When he was going to the district (where he had consented to go to), he saw on his way two districts in which there were plenty of robes, and he thought: What if I were to keep Vassa in these two districts; thus shall I obtain many robes.' And he kept Vassa in those two districts.
King Pasenadi of Kosala was annoyed, murmured, and became angry (saying), “How can the noble Upananda Sakyaputta, after he has promised us to take up his Vassa residence (with us), break his word? Has not falsehood been reproved, and abstinence from falsehood been praised by the Blessed One in many ways?'
2. Some Bhikkhus heard king Pasenadi of Kosala, who was annoyed, &c. The moderate Bhikkhus were annoyed, murmured, and became angry (saying),
How can the venerable Upananda Sakyaputta, after he has promised to king Pasenadi of Kosala, &c. ? Has not falsehood .... (&c., as in § 1)?'
3. Those Bhikkhus told the thing to the Blessed One.
1 See chap. 2, § 2.
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