17. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhunt ought to be sentenced to recommence penal discipline.. (&c., as in § 7).
18. In case, O Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhunî who is to be rehabilitated. . . . (&c., as in § 9).
19. In case, O Bhikkhus, the Samgha is going to proceed against a Bhikkhunî by the tagganiyakamma. . . . (&c., as in § 10).
20. Or the Samgha has instituted a proceeding against her (&c., as in § 11).
21, 22. In case, O Bhikkhus, a sikkhamânâ is sick (&c., see §§ 2-5).
In case, O Bhikkhus, a sikkhamânâ has violated1 the precepts (in which she is trained). If she sends (&c., as in § 3, down to): (saying to yourselves): "I will take care that she may take upon herself the precepts (again)." Within seven days you ought to return.
23. In case, O Bhikkhus, a sikkhamânâ desires to receive the upasampadâ ordination. If she sends, &c., you ought to go (saying to yourselves): "I will take care that she may receive the upasampadâ ordination, or I will proclaim the formula (of ordination before the assembly), or I will help to complete the quorum." Within seven days you ought to return.
24, 25. In case, O Bhikkhus, a sâmanera is sick (&c., as in §§ 2-5). a sâmanera desires
or I will help to complete the quorum' (see § 6 seq.), of course are omitted here, because, if the proceeding is directed against a Bhikkhunî, this is to be done by a Bhikkhunî and not by a Bhikkhu. See Kullavagga X, 6, 3.
1 This translation of sikkhâ kupitâ hoti is merely conjectural; Buddhaghosa has no note here. Comp. kuppa and akuppa.
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