the rainy season), if the affair for which you go can be accomplished in seven days, and if you are sent for, but not if you are not sent for, by a person of one of the following seven classes: Bhikkhus, Bhikkhunis, sikkha mânâs?, sâmaneras, sâmaneris, lay devotees, female lay devotees. I allow you, O Bhikkhus, to go, if the thing (you go for) can be accomplished in seven days, and if you are sent for, but not if you are not sent for, by a person of one of these seven classes. Within seven days you ought to return.
5. In case, O Bhikkhus, an upâsaka has built a Vihâra for the Samgha. If he sends a messenger to the Bhikkhus (saying), “Might their reverences come hither; I desire to bestow gifts (on them) and to hear the Dhamma and to see the Bhikkhus," you ought to go, O Bhikkhus, if the affair for which you go can be accomplished in seven days, and if he sends for you, but not if he does not send for you. Within seven days you ought to return.
6. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, an u pâsaka has built for the Samgha an addha yoga?, has built a storied house, has built an attic, has constructed a cave, a cell, a store-room, a refectory, a fire-room, a warehouse 3, a privy, a place to walk in, a house to walk in, a well, a well house, a gantâghara“, a gantaghara room", a lotus-pond, a pavilion, a park, or
See the note on II, 36, 1. * See the note on I, 30, 4.
* This translation of kappiyakulî is merely conjectural ; comp. kappiyabhūmi VI, 33.
• See the note on I, 25, 12. o See Kullavagga V, 16, 1.
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