to an offence; let this Bhikkhu, O Bhikkhus, go to one Bhikkhu, &c. (§ 1), and say: "I feel doubt, friend, with regard to such and such an offence. When I shall feel no doubt, then I will atone for that offence." Having spoken thus, let him hold Uposatha and hear the Pâtimokkha. But in no case must there be any hindrance to holding Uposatha from such a cause.'
3. At that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus confessed in common an offence (shared by them all).
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'You ought not, O Bhikkhus, to confess an offence in common. He who does so, commits a dukkata offence.'
At that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus accepted the common confession of an offence (shared by several Bhikkhus).
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'You ought not, O Bhikkhus, to accept the common confession of an offence. He who does so, commits a dukkata offence.'
4. At that time a certain Bhikkhu remembered an offence, while Pâtimokkha was being recited. Now this Bhikkhu thought: 'The Blessed One has prescribed: "Uposatha is not to be held by (a Bhikkhu) who is guilty of an offence." Now I am guilty of an offence. What am I to do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, there be a Bhikkhu who remembers an offence, while Pâtimokkha is being recited; let this Bhikkhu, O Bhikkhus, say to his neighbour Bhikkhu: "I have committed such and such an offence, friend; when I have arisen from this (assembly), I will atone for that offence." Having spoken thus, &c. (§ 2).
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