II, 26, 1.
1. At that time four Bhikkhus dwelt in a certain residence (of Bhikkhus) on the day of Uposatha. Now these Bhikkhus thought: 'The Blessed One has prescribed the holding of Uposatha, and we are (only) four persons1. Well, how are we to hold Uposatha?
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that four (Bhikkhus) may recite the Pâtimokkha.'
2. At that time three Bhikkhus dwelt in a certain residence (of Bhikkhus) at the day of Uposatha. Now these Bhikkhus thought: 'The Blessed One has prescribed to four (Bhikkhus) the reciting of the Pâtimokkha, and we are (only) three persons,' &c.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that three Bhikkhus may hold pârisuddhi-uposatha2.
3. 'And it ought to be held in this way: Let a learned, competent Bhikkhu proclaim the following ñatti before those Bhikkhus: "Let the reverend brethren hear me. To-day is Uposatha, the fifteenth (day of the half month). If the reverend brethren are ready, let us hold pârisuddhi-uposatha with each other." Let the senior Bhikkhu adjust his upper robe so as to cover one shoulder, sit down squatting, raise his joined hands, and say to those Bhikkhus: "I am pure, friends, understand that I am pure, &c. 3"
4. 'Let (each) younger Bhikkhu (in his turn) adjust
1 The quorum for several official acts of the Order was five or more Bhikkhus; see IX, 4.
2 Uposatha by mutual declaration of purity from the offences specified in the Pâtimokkha; see § 3 seq.
3 The same phrase is repeated twice more.
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