'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that the Thera is to order a young Bhikkhu (to sweep the Uposatha hall).'
The young Bhikkhus, having received that order from the Thera, did not sweep it.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'He who has been ordered by the Thera, ought not to forbear to sweep it, unless he be sick. He who does not sweep it, commits a dukkata offence.'
3. At that time there were no seats prepared in the Uposatha hall. The Bhikkhus sat down on the ground. Their bodies and their robes became full
of dust.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you prepare seats in the Uposatha hall.'
Now the Bhikkhus thought, &c. (see § 2).
'He who does not prepare (seats), commits a dukkata offence.'
4. At that time there was no lamp in the Uposatha hall. The Bhikkhus in the darkness trod upon (each other's) bodies and robes.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you light a lamp in the Uposatha hall.'
Now the Bhikkhus thought, &c. (see § 2).
'He who does not light (the lamp), commits a dukkata offence.'
5. At that time the resident Bhikkhus in a certain residence did not provide drink (i.e. water), nor did they provide food. The incoming Bhikkhus were annoyed, murmured, and became angry: 'How can the resident Bhikkhus neglect to provide for drink and to provide for food?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
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