II, 17, 4.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
4, 5. When, O Bhikkhus, in a certain residence, &c.1; in that case, O Bhikkhus, these Bhikkhus are instantly to send one Bhikkhu to the neighbouring residence (of Bhikkhus): "Go, friend, and come back when you have learnt the Pâtimokkha abridged or in its full extent.'
6. Now the Bhikkhus thought: 'By whom is (this Bhikkhu) to be sent?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that the Thera is to give order to a young Bhikkhu.'
The young Bhikkhus, having received that order from the Thera, did not go.
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'Let no one who has been ordered by the Thera forbear to go, unless he be sick. He who does not go, commits a dukkata offence.'
1. Then the Blessed One, after having dwelt at Kodanâvatthu as long as he thought fit, went back again to Râgagaha. At that time the people asked the Bhikkhus who went about for alms: 'What day of the half month is this, reverend Sirs?' The Bhikkhus replied: 'We do not know, friends.' The people were annoyed, murmured, and became angry: 'Those Sakyaputtiya Samanas do not even know how to count (the days of) the half month; what good things else will they know?'
1 Here follows an exact repetition of the story told in § 3, which is given here, of course, in the present tense.
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