II, 13, I.
1. At that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus made one boundary overlap another one (which had been determined before by other Bhikkhus).
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'The act of those who have determined their boundary first is lawful, unobjectionable, and valid. The act of those who have determined their boundary afterwards is unlawful, objectionable, and invalid. Let no one, O Bhikkhus, make one boundary overlap another one. He who does, commits a dukkata offence.'
2. At that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus made one boundary encompass another one (which had been determined before by other Bhikkhus).
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
The act of those, &c. (see § 1). Let no one, O Bhikkhus, make one boundary encompass another one. He who does, commits a dukkata offence. I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that he who determines a boundary, is to determine it so as to leave an interstice between the boundaries.'
I. Now the Bhikkhus thought: 'How many Uposatha (days) are there?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
1 Buddhaghosa prescribes to leave an interstice of one hattha, and he adds that the ancient Sinhalese commentaries differ as to the measure required for this interstice: the Kurundi requires one vidatthi, the Mahâpakkarî four angula.
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