Gigghakåta mountain (as quickly) as a strong man might stretch his bent arm out, or draw his outstretched arm back.
6. Now the Bhikkhus thought: The Blessed One has prescribed that completeness (of the assembled fraternity) is to extend as far as one residence?. Now how far does one residence extend?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you determine a boundary. And it ought to be determined, O Bhikkhus, in this way: First the landmarks are to be proclaimed: a landmark consisting in a mountain, in a rock, in a wood, in a tree, in a path, in an anthill, in a river, in a piece of water. The landmarks having been proclaimed, let a learned, competent Bhikkhu proclaim the following ñatti before the Samgha : "Let the Samgha, reverend Sirs, hear me.
If the Samgha is ready, let the Samgha, as the · landmarks have been proclaimed all around, by these landmarks determine the boundary for common residence and communion of U posatha. This is the ñatti. Let the Samgha, reverend Sirs, hear me. The Samgha determines the boundary (&c., as above). Thus I understand.”'
1. At that time the Khabbaggiya Bhikkhus, considering that fixing of boundaries had been
See chap. 5. 2.
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