1, 70, 4.
sampada ordination on persons that had neither alms-bowl nor robes. They went out for alms naked and (received alms) with their hands. People were annoyed (&c., as in 91).
4. At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadà ordination on persons that had borrowed alms-bowls. After the ordination (the owners) took their alms-bowls back; (the Bhikkhus) received alms with their hands. People were annoyed (&c. .... down to): ‘Like the Titthiyas.'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
Let no one, O Bhikkhus, receive the upasampadâ ordination who has borrowed the alms-bowl. He who confers,' &c. (as in the first clause).
5. At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampada ordination on persons that had borrowed robes. After the ordination (the owners) took their robes back; (the Bhikkhus) went out for alms naked. People were annoyed (&c., as in g 1 to the end).
6. At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the upasampadâ ordination on persons that had borrowed alms-bowls and robes, &c.
Here end the twenty cases in which upasampada
is forbidden.
1. At that time the Bhikkhus conferred the pab baggå ordination on a person whose hands were cut off, on a person whose feet were cut off, whose hands and feet were cut off, whose ears were cut off, whose nose was cut off, whose ears and nose were cut off, whose fingers were cut off, whose
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