I, 50.
50. At that time a certain family had died of pestilencel; only a father and his son were left; they received the pabbaggâ ordination with the Bhikkhus and went together on their rounds for alms. Now that boy, when food was given to his father, ran up to him and said : 'Give some to me too, father ; give some to me too, father.
People were annoyed, &c. : *These Sakyaputtiya Samanas live an impure life; this boy is a Bhikkhuni's son:
Some Bhikkhus heard, &c. They told this thing to the Blessed One, &c.
'Let no one, O Bhikkhus, confer the pabbaggâ ordination on a boy under fifteen years of age. He who does, is guilty of a dukkata offence.'
51. At that time a believing, pious family, who devoted themselves to the (especial) service of the venerable Ânanda, had died of pestilence. Only two boys were left; these, when seeing Bhikkhus, ran up to them according to their old custom, but the Bhikkhus turned them away. When they were turned away by the Bhikkhus, they cried. Now the venerable Ananda thought: ‘The Blessed One has forbidden us to confer the pabbaggâ ordination
i Buddhaghosa explains ahivâtakaroga by mâribyâdhi, and says : When this plague befalls a house, men and beasts in that house die ; but he who breaks through wall or roof, or is “roga mâdigato (?),” may be saved.'
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