'The âkariya, O Bhikkhus, ought to consider the antevâsika (i.e. disciple) as a son; the antevâsika ought to consider the âkariya as a father. Thus these two, united by mutual reverence, confidence, and communion of life, will progress, advance, and reach a high stage in this doctrine and discipline.
'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that you live (the first) ten years in dependence (on an akariya); he who has completed his tenth year may give a nissaya? himself.
towards his saddhivih ârika and vice versa (chaps. 25, 26=Kullavagga VIII, 11, 12). The position of an upagghầya, however, was considered as the more important of the two; at the upasampadâ service the upagghâya had a more prominent part than the â kariya, as we may infer from chaps. 28, 29, and from the explanations on the 65th pâkittiya rule which are given in the Sutta Vibhanga. There it is said that, if the upasam pada ordination had been conferred, against the rule, on a person that has not yet attained his twentieth year, the upagghầya has made himself guilty of a pâkittiya offence, the â kariya and the other present Bhikkhus only of a dukkata offence. We may add that the succession of Vinaya teachers from Upâli down to Mahinda, which is given in the Dîpavamsa (Bhânavâras IV and V), is a succession of u pagghầyas and saddhivihârikas (see IV, 36, 42, 43, &c.), not of âkariyas and antevâsikas; the duty of instructing the young Bhikkhus in the holy doctrines and ordinances seems, therefore, to belong to the upagghầya rather than to the âkariya; compare also Dîpavamsa VII, 26. So among the Brâhmanas, on the contrary, the âkârya is estimated higher than the upâdhyâya; see Manu II, 145; Yâgñavalkya I, 35. Compare also chap. 36. I (end of the paragraph), and Buddhaghosa's explanation of that passage.
1 Nissaya (i.e. dependence) is the relation between âkariya and antevâsika. The antevâsika lives nissaya' with regard to the âkariya, i.e. dependent on him; the â kariya gives his nissaya to the antevâsika, i.e. he receives him into his protection and care. At chap. 36.1, nissaya' is said also of the relation between upagghầya and saddhiviharika.
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