These Bhikkhus told this thing to the Blessed One.
(The Buddha said): ‘Is it true, O Bhikkhu, that you have embraced the religious life for your belly's sake?'
(He replied): 'It is true, Lord.'
Then the blessed Buddha rebuked that Bhikkhu : *How can you, foolish person that you are, embrace the religious life in so well-taught a doctrine and discipline for your belly's sake? This will not do, O foolish one, for converting the unconverted and for augmenting the number of the converted.'
Having rebuked him and delivered a religious discourse, he thus addressed the Bhikkhus:
4. 'I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that he who confers the upasam padâ ordination (on a Bhikkhu), tell him the four Resources:
'The religious life has morsels of food given in alms for its resource. Thus you must endeavour to live all your life. Meals given to the Samgha, to certain persons, invitations, food distributed by ticket, meals given each fortnight, each uposatha day (i.e. the last day of each fortnight), or the first day of each fortnight, are extra allowances.
"The religious life has the robe made of rags taken from a dust heap for its resource. Thus you must endeavour to live all your life. Linen, cotton, silk, woollen garments, coarse cloth, hempen cloth are extra allowances.
•The religious life has dwelling at the foot of a tree for its resource. Thus you must endeavour to live all your life. Vihâras, addhayogas, storied dwellings, attics, caves' are extra allowances.
1 These are the five kinds of dwellings (pañka lenâni) which are declared to be allowable, Kullavagga VI, 1, 2. The single expres
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