name, friend, have you retired from the world? Who is your teacher? Whose doctrine do you profess?'
8. When Upaka the Âgivaka had spoken thus, the Blessed One addressed him in the following stanzas: 'I have overcome all foes; I am all-wise ; I am free from stains in every way; I have left everything; and have obtained emancipation by the destruction of desire. Having myself gained knowledge, whom should I call my master? I have no teacher; no one is equal to me; in the world of men and of gods no being is like me. I am the holy One in this world, I am the highest teacher, I alone am the absolute Sambuddha; I have gained coolness (by the extinction of all passion) and have obtained Nirvâna. To found the Kingdom of Truth I go to the city of the Kâsîs (Benares); I will beat the drum of the Immortal in the darkness of this world.' . 9. (Upaka replied): “You profess then, friend, to be the holy, absolute Gina?'
(Buddha said): ‘Like me are all Ginas who have reached extinction of the Âsavas2; I have overcome (gitâ me) all states of sinfulness; therefore, Upaka, am I the Gina.'
When he had spoken thus, Upaka the Âgivaka replied: 'It may be so, friend ;' shook his head, took another road, and went away.
10. And the Blessed One, wandering from place to place, came to Benares, to the deer park Isipatana, to the place where the five Bhikkhus were. And
? Gina, or the victorious One, is one of the many appellations common to the founders of the Bauddha and Gaina sects.
Sensuality, individuality, delusion, and ignorance (Kâma, Bhava, Dillhi, and Aviggâ).
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