1. Now the Blessed One thought: 'To whom shall I preach the doctrine first? Who will understand this doctrine easily?' And the Blessed One thought: 'There is Âlâra Kâlâma1; he is clever, wise, and learned; long since have the eye of his mind been darkened by scarcely any dust. What if I were to preach the doctrine first to Âlâra Kâlâma? He will easily understand this doctrine.'
2. Then an invisible deity said to the Blessed One: 'Âlâra Kâlâma has died, Lord, seven days ago.' And knowledge sprang up in the Blessed One's mind that Âlâra Kâlâma had died seven days ago. And the Blessed One thought: Highly noble was Âlâra Kâlâma. If he had heard my doctrine, he would easily have understood it.'
3. Then the Blessed One thought: 'To whom shall I preach the doctrine first? Who will understand this doctrine easily?' And the Blessed One thought: There is Uddaka Râmaputta1; he is clever, wise, and learned; long since have the eye of his mind been darkened by scarcely any dust. What if I were to preach the doctrine first to Uddaka Râmaputta? He will easily understand this doctrine.'
4. Then an invisible deity said to the Blessed One: 'Uddaka Râmaputta has died, Lord, yesterday evening.' And knowledge arose in the Blessed One's mind that Uddaka Râmaputta had died the previous evening. And the Blessed One thought:
1 Âlâra Kâlâma and Uddaka Râmaputta were the two teachers to whom Gotama had attached himself first after his pabbaggâ. See Fausböll's Gâtaka, vol. i. p. 66; Rh. D., Buddhism, p. 34.
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