top, might overlook the people all around, thus, O wise One, ascending to the highest palace of Truth, look down, all-seeing One, upon the people lost in suffering, overcome by birth and decay,—thou, who hast freed thyself from suffering!
*Arise, O hero; O victorious One! Wander through the world, O leader of the pilgrim band, who thyself art free from debt. May the Blessed One preach the doctrine; there will be people who can understand it !'
8. When he had spoken thus, the Blessed One said to Brahmâ Sahampati : 'The following thought, Brahmâ, has occurred to me: “I have penetrated this doctrine,.... (&c., down to end of $ 2).” And also, Brahmâ, the following ..., 1 stanzas have presented themselves to my mind, which had not been heard (by me) before: “With great pains,.... (&c., down to end of § 3).” When I pondered over this matter, Brahmâ, my mind became inclined to remain in quiet, and not to preach the doctrine.'
9. And a second time Brahmâ Sahampati said to the Blessed One: 'Lord, may the Blessed One preach the doctrine, .... (&c., as in $$ 6, 7).' And for the second time the Blessed One said to Brahmâ Sahampati : ‘The following thought.... (&c., as before).'
10. And a third time Brahmâ Sahampati said to the Blessed One: 'Lord, may the Blessed One preach the doctrine, .... (&c., as before).'
Then the Blessed One, when he had heard Brahmâ's solicitation, looked, full of compassion towards sentient beings, over the world, with his (all-perceiving) eye of a Buddha. And the Blessed One, looking over the world with his eye of a Buddha,
See $ 3 with our note for this omitted word.
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