six senses'), from the six Provinces springs Contact, from Contact springs Sensation, from Sensation springs Thirst (or Desire), from Thirst springs Attachment, from Attachment springs Existence, from Existence springs Birth, from Birth spring Old Age and Death, grief, lamentation, suffering, dejection, and despair. Such is the origination of this whole mass of suffering. Again, by the destruction of Ignorance, which consists in the complete absence of lust, the samkhâras are destroyed, by the destruction of the samkhâras Consciousness is destroyed, by the destruction of Consciousness Name-and-Form are destroyed, by the destruction of Name-and-Form the six Provinces are destroyed, by the destruction of the six Provinces Contact is destroyed, by the destruction of Contact Sensation is destroyed, by the destruction of Sensation Thirst is destroyed, by the destruction of Thirst Attachment is destroyed, by the destruction of Attachment Existence is destroyed, by the destruction of Existence Birth is destroyed, by the destruction of Birth Old Age and Death, grief, lamentation, suffering, dejection, and despair are
the samkharas that are produced by Ignorance? Samkhâras (or, productions) that lead to righteousness, samkhâras that lead to sinfulness, samkhâras that lead to immovability, productions of body, of speech, and of thought.' The Pâli words are: ‘Tattha katame aviggâpakkayâ samkhârâ ? puññâbhisamkhâro apuññâbhisamkhâro ânañgâbhisamkhâro kâyasamkhâro vakisamkhâro kittasamkhâro.' The list of fifty-five categories belonging to the samk hâra-khandha, which Sp. Hardy gives in his Manual (p. 404 seq.; comp. also Rh. D., Buddhism,' p. 91 seq., and ‘Buddhist Suttas from the Pâli,' p. 242), is not founded, as far as we know, on the authority of the Pitakas themselves, but on later compendia and commentaries.
* I. e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, body (or the faculty of touch), and mind.
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