60. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall hide, or cause another to hide, a Bhikkhu's bowl, or his robe, or the mat on which he sits, or his needle-case1, or his girdle, even though in fun-that is a Pâkittiya.
End of the sixth section, the 'Surâpâna-section.'
61. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall deliberately deprive any living thing of life-that is a Pâkittiya.
62. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall, knowingly, drink water with living things in it-that is a Pâkittiya.
63. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall stir up for decision again a matter which he knows to have been settled according to the Dhamma 2-that is a Pâkittiya.
64. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, who knows of it, shall conceal a serious offence3 committed by a Bhikkhu— that is a Pâkittiya.
65. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall admit a person under twenty years of age to the higher grade in the Order, knowing him (or her) to be so-(while) the person is not admitted to the higher grade, and the other Bhikkhus (who assist) are blameworthythis is in him a Pâkittiya.
66. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall, by appointment, journey along the same route with a caravan of
1 In the text read sûkigharam.
2 Compare the 79th Pâkittiya, and Kullavagga IV, 14 passim. 3 That is, a Pârâgika, or a Samghâdisesa.
The upagg hâya is guilty of a Pâkittiya; the âkariya, and the gana, of a Dukkala, says the Vibhanga.
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