19. In case a Bhikkhu is having a large dwellingplace put up, he may have the work rectified, in a place where straw is scarce, round the doors, and where the bolts are put in, and the openings for light are set, and till the roof has been twice or thrice covered in?. Should he go beyond that, even in such a place—that is a Pâkittiya.
20. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall sprinkle water with living creatures in it, or shall cause such to be sprinkled on grass or on clay—that is a Pâkittiya.
Here ends the second section,
the 'Bhatagâma-section.'
TV 61. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, not thereto deputed,
shall exhort the Bhikkhuni's—that is a Pâkittiya. or fall himself, to the injury of some one who was rightfully on the ground floor.
1 In the text read dvittikkhadanassa: thite pi. This rule, directed against too great luxury in the matter of a perfectly finished dwelling, is somewhat obscure, owing to our want of information as to the mode in which such dwellings should be put up. It refers probably to a hut, albeit a large one, of wattel and daub (kudda: comp. Rh. D.'s note on the Mahaparinibbâna Sutta V, 41). The Samanta-Pâsâdikâ divides dvarakosa into dvâra-okása, and quotes various estimates from the old Sinhalese commentaries as to the proper extent of this space (see Minayeff, p. 87).
* Ovadeyya; that is, shall preach to them the eight Garudhamma. On these see the passages mentioned in the Index appended to the text of the Kullavagga ; and on the ovâda see Kullavagga X, 9, 2, and following. The mode of procedure is laid down in the Vibhanga as follows: The Bhikkhu asks the Bhikkhuni's, “Are you all present, sisters, and do none raise objections (that is, are you samaggâ)?” If they say, “That is so, Sir!" he asks, " Are the eight Garu-dhammâ being kept up?" If they say, “They are, Sir!” he is to say, “That, sisters, is the exhortation !" and so deliver it to them. If they say, “They are
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