from the Suttas of the Pâtimokkha. 'The Suttas have been handed down to him, but not the Suttavibhanga.'
The word recurs only in one other passage1, and that is in the appended Khandhakas of the Kullavagga, in the account of the Council of Vesâlî 2. Seven passages are there quoted from the Pâtimokkha in condemnation of seven out of the Ten Points raised by the heretics; and in answer to the question, 'Where was it condemned?' and before the passages are quoted, the place where the passage was uttered is mentioned, and condemnation is stated to be ' in the Suttavibhanga.' Thus
Revata says, 'Is it right, Lord, to drink galogi?' Sabbakâmî replies, 'What, Friend, is this galogi?' Revata: 'Is it right, Lord, to drink strong drink which not being fermented, is not yet intoxicating?' Sabbakâmî: 'No, my friend, it is not right.' Revata: 'Where has it been condemned?' Sabbakâmî: At Kosambî in the Suttavibhanga.' Revata: 'What does he (who drinks galogi) commit?' Sabbakâmî: 'He commits the Pâkittiya offence of drinking strong drink and of drinking intoxicating liquors.'
This is a quotation of the Pâkittiya Rule, No. 51; but the words quoted do not in fact condemn the drinking of toddy, and neither the Pâtimokkha nor the Old Commentary contains any reference to the place, Kosambî, where the words are here said to have been uttered.
It is only in the introduction afterwards appended (in what is now called the Vibhanga) to the two older works, that Kosambî is mentioned; and in the appendix following the Rule 51 in the Vibhanga there are no exceptions which would include galogi. But Kosambî is mentioned in the Introductory History. It is therefore most probable that the term Sutta-vibhanga refers to what is now called the Vibhanga; or, if not, at least to that body of traditional teaching (including the Pâtimokkha and the Old Commentary) out of which the present Vibhanga was composed.
1 That is, of the Vinaya Pitaka. We are not certain that it may not be found in the Sutta Pitaka.
2 Kullavagga XII, 2, 8.
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