offered (Soma), he would certainly have to begin anew (to perform the Seasonal offerings): hence the Phâlguna full-moon should not again pass by without his offering Soma. Such (is the rule) for him who discontinues (the Seasonal offerings).
13. And in the case of one who recommences (the Seasonal offerings),-let him perform the Sunâstrya on the day preceding the Phâlguna full-moon, and on the following day the Vaisvadeva, and after that the Full-moon offering. This, then, (is the rule) for him who recommences (the Seasonal offerings).
14. Then as to (the Sacrificer) shaving his head all round'. Now yonder sun, indeed, faces every quarter; it drinks up whatever (moisture) it dries up here: hence this (Sacrificer) thereby faces every quarter and becomes a consumer of food.
15. This fire also faces every quarter, since it burns all they put into it from whatsoever quarter : hence this (Sacrificer) thereby faces every quarter and becomes a consumer of food.
16. This man, on the other hand, faces but one quarter; but by shaving his head all round he comes to face every quarter; and whosoever, knowing this, has his head shaved all round, becomes just such a consumer of food as those two: let him therefore have his head shaved all round.
17. And on this point Asuri said, 'What in the world has it to do with his face, even if he were to shave off all the hair of his head! It is by offering
1 'Parivartayate' ('nivartayate,' Kânva), lit. 'he causes himself to be turned round,' is the technical expression for having one's head shaved all round (the sikhâ, or lock of hair on the crown of the head).
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