284. So long as the love of man towards women, even the smallest, is not destroyed, so long is his mind in bondage, as the calf that drinks milk is to its mother.
285. Cut out the love of self, like an autumn lotus, with thy hand! Cherish the road of peace. Nirvâna has been shown by Sugata (Buddha).
286. Here I shall dwell in the rain, here in winter and summer, thus the fool meditates, and does not think of his death.
287. Death comes and carries off that man, praised for his children and flocks, his mind distracted, as a flood carries off a sleeping village.
288. Sons are no help, nor a father, nor relations ; there is no help from kinsfolk for one whom death has seized.
289. A wise and good man who knows the meaning of this, should quickly clear the way that leads to Nirvâna.
· 285. Cf. Gâtaka, vol. i. p. 183.
286. Antarâya, according to the commentator, gîvitântarâya, i.e. interitus, death. In Sanskrit, antarita is used in the sense of vanished' or 'perished.'
287. See notes to verse 47, Thiessen, Kisâgotamî, p. 11, and Mahâbh. XII, 9944, 6540.
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