Agnihotra on the uttaravedi: for this reason he changes his place. Having gone to the house, and churned out' the fires ?, he performs the Fullmoon offering. The Seasonal offerings, doubtless, are detached sacrifices; whereas the Full-moon offering is a regular, established sacrifice : hence he finally establishes himself by means of that regular sacrifice, and therefore changes his place (to the ordinary sacrificial ground).
1. Verily, imperishable is the righteousness of him that offers the Seasonal sacrifices; for such a one gains the year, and hence there is no cessation for him. He gains it (the year) in three divisions, he conquers it in three divisions. The year means the whole, and the whole is imperishable (without end): hence his righteousness is indeed imperishable. Moreover, he thereby becomes a Season, and as such goes to the gods; but there is no perishableness in the gods, and hence there is imperishable righteousness for him. This, then, is why he offers the Seasonal sacrifices.
2. Then as to why he should perform the Sunasirya offering. The prosperity (sri) that accrued to the gods on performing the Sâkamedha offerings, and gaining the victory (over Vritra), is suna; and the essence (rasa) that belonged to the year gained by them is sira?. Now that same prosperity which
· See II, 5, 6, 48.
The author identifies sîra (plough) with sâra, essence, sap;' and takes suna, ploughshare (?), as identical with sunam, successfully, prosperously.' See next page, note 3.
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