(misfortune) will hit any of his, or because the gods did so. And thereby he delivers from Rudra's power both the descendants that are born unto him and those that are unborn ; and his offspring is brought forth without disease and blemish. This is why he performs these offerings.
3. They are (offered) to Rudra : Rudra's, indeed, is the dart; and hence (these offerings) belong to Rudra. They consist of (cakes) on one potsherd: 'To one deity they shall belong!' so (he thinks, and) therefore they consist of (cakes) on one potsherd.
4. There is one for each individual, -as many as he has descendants, -exceeded by one. (There being) one for each individual, he thereby delivers from Rudra's power the descendants that are born unto him; and there being an additional one, he thereby delivers from Rudra's power the descendants that are not yet born to him: this is why there are (as many cakes as there are descendants) exceeded by one.
5. He takes out (the rice for) those (cakes), while seated behind the Gârhapatya, sacrificially invested and facing the north. From thence he rises and threshes (the rice), while standing with his face towards the north. He places the two mill-stones on (the black antelope skin, so as to incline) towards the north; and puts the potsherds on the north side of the Gârhapatya hearth. As to why they keep the northern quarter,—that indeed is the quarter of that god (Rudra), and hence they keep the northern quarter.
6. They (the cakes) may be anointed (with ghee), for the havis is anointed";—but let them rather be
1 This refers to the so-called prânadana, or bestowal of life
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