shaping Agni into a sharp point', that the gods rushed forward, intent on slaying Vritra; and that sharp point, Agni, swerved not. And so does he (the Sacrificer) now rush forward, after shaping Agni into a sharp point, intent on slaying his wicked, spiteful enemy; and that sharp point, Agni, swerves not: this is why he sacrifices to Agni Anikavat.
3. Thereupon, at midday, he offers a potful of boiled grain (karu) to the Maruts, the Scorchers (Sântapanâh), for at midday indeed the scorching winds scorched Vritra; and thus scorched he lay panting and gasping, being rent all over. And so do the scorching winds scorch his (the Sacrificer's) wicked, spiteful enemy: hence (he sacrifices) to the Maruts, the Scorchers.
4. Thereupon, (in the evening, he offers a potful of boiled grain) to the Maruts, the Householders (Grihamedhinah). That pap he cooks after driving
to the part where the point is fixed on the shaft (kulmala). Compare the corresponding passage in Taitt. Br. I, 6, 6: The gods and Asuras were contending. Agni spake, "My body is anîkavat (possessed of an army, acc. to Sâyana): satisfy it and you will overcome the Asuras!" The gods prepared a cake on eight potsherds for Agni Anîkavat. Agni Anîkavat, being pleased with his share, produced for himself four anîkas; and thereby the gods prevailed and the Asuras were defeated. . . . Now Agni Anîkavat is yonder sun: his rays are the anîkas.' Here anîka would rather seem to mean either 'dart' or 'face.' [In Taitt. Br. I, 6, 2, 5, in the battle between the gods and Asuras, Agni is represented as the mukham of the gods, which Sâyana takes to mean the 'van-guard' or 'the champion' of the gods. Compare also Sat. Br. II, 6, 4, 2; XI, 5, 2, 4.] Acc. to the Black Yagus, the cake to Agni Anîkavat is to be prepared (or offered) simultaneously (sâkam) with the rising of the sun; whence is probably derived the term Sâkam-edha.'
1 I. e. into a sharp-pointed weapon; or, perhaps, ' after appointing Agni their leader.' Cf. p. 449 note; and Sat. Br. V, 3, 1, 1.
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