and earth'. This is why there is a cake on one potsherd (kapala) for heaven and earth. Now this (earth) is, doubtless, the cup (depository, kapâla) of that (sap); and she indeed is one only: hence (the cake) consists of one potsherd.
9. An offence (is thereby committed) by him3; since, for whatever deity sacrificial food may be taken out, the Svishtakrit (Agni, the maker of good offering) is invariably allowed a share in it after (the respective deity). But that (cake) he offers entire, and he does not cut off a portion for the Svishtakrit: this is an offence, and consequently (that cake), when offered, turns upside down.
10. Hence they say, 'That (cake) contained on one potsherd has turned upside down: it will throw the kingdom into disorder.' No offence (is, however, committed) by him, for the Âhavaniya is the support of oblations; and if, after reaching the Âhavaniya, (the cake) were to turn upside down ten times, he need not heed it. And if others ask as to who would care to incur (the result of) such a combination (of errors), let him offer nothing but butter; for clarified butter is manifestly the sap of
1 This is a 'low-voiced' oblation, the invitatory and offering prayers thereat (with the exception of the concluding 'Vaushal' and 'Om') being pronounced in a low tone. See p. 171, note 1; p. 192, note 1.
The Kânva text has: The reason why it consists of one kapâla is that this earth is a kapâla, and that she is one only.'
The Kânva recension has as follows:-As to this they say, 'It should not be a one-cup cake, (because) therein a neglect is (involved). Even so (idam nu): for whatever deity they take out sacrificial food, the Svishtakrit is invariably made to share in it after (the respective deity). That (cake) they offer whole: this is consequently a neglect. Moreover, it turns round (paryâbhavati). As to this they say, 'That (cake) has turned upside down,' &c.
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