of the Rishis-;' this he says, because he himself now approaches (and worships, praises, the fire); 'to the favourite abode (or dainty);' his (Agni’s) favourite abode doubtless are the offerings : 'to offerings' he thereby says. —May I attain to long life, to lustre, to offspring, to increase of wealth!' whereby he says, 'Even as thou didst attain to those (qualities), so may I attain to long life, lustre, offspring, affluence, — that is to say, to prosperity.'
25. He then approaches the cow", with the text (Vág. S. III, 20), 'Food ye are: may I enjoy your food! wealth ye are: may I enjoy your wealth!'whereby he means to say, 'whatever energies are yours, whatever riches are yours, may I enjoy them.'
-Strength ye are: may I enjoy your strength!' whereby he says, 'sap ye are: may I enjoy your sap!'- 'Affluence ye are: may I enjoy your affluence!' whereby he says, 'abundance ye are: may I enjoy your abundance !'
26. “Ye prosperous ones, disport yourselvès --;' cattle are prosperous: therefore he says, 'ye prosperous ones, disport yourselves—;''-in this seat, in this fold, in this place, in this homestead : remain here, go not from hence l' this he says with reference to himself,-'go not away from me!'
27. He then touches the cow, with the text (Vâg. S. III, 22 a), 'Motley thou art, of all shapes ;'— for cattle are indeed of all shapes : therefore he calls her all-shaped; '- come to me with sap and possession of cattle !' when he says with sap,' he means
1 Viz. the Agnihotra cow, which has supplied the milk for the morning and evening libation; or any cow, if other material than milk be used. [12]
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