7. Let them only take it over on the fast-day (of the new and full-moon sacrifice), when they are about to sacrifice on this (the Âhavaniya fire): thus that (southern) one is taken over in order to prevent failure on his (the sacrificer's) part.
8. Or they may also take it over to a new dwelling; and let them then cook on it food (other than meat) for the priests to eat. And should he not be able to procure anything to cook, let him order the milk of a cow to be put thereon and let the priests be asked to drink it. And his enemies will indeed fare ill, for whomsoever, knowing this, they do so: let him, therefore, endeavour by all means to do so.
9. Now when it is first kindled, and there is as yet nothing but smoke, then indeed that (fire) is Rudra. And if anyone (Kshatriya) desires to consume food (belonging to others),- -even as Rudra seeks after these creatures, now with distrust, now with violence, now in striking them down,-let him offer then: and, assuredly, he who, knowing this, offers then (when the fire has just been lighted), obtains that food.
10. And when it burns rather brightly, then indeed that (fire) is Varuna. And if any one desires to consume food,-even as Varuna seeks after these creatures, now, as it were, seizing on them, now with violence, now in striking them down,-let him offer then: and, assuredly, he who, knowing this, offers then, obtains that food.
II. And when it is in full blaze, and the smoke whirls upwards with the utmost speed, then indeed that (fire) is Indra. And if any one wishes to be like Indra in splendour and glory, let him offer then and, assuredly, he who, knowing this, offers then, obtains that food (object).
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