are indeed the finders of the path 1;-' Having found the path-,'thereby he says, 'having found the sacrifice;'-'Walk in the path!' thereby he dismisses them in due form;-'O divine Lord of mind, this sacrifice-Svâhâ!-give to the wind!' for the sacrifice, indeed, is that blowing one (the wind). Having accordingly prepared this (special) sacrifice, he thereby establishes it safely in that (chief, full or new-moon) sacrifice, and thus unites sacrifice with sacrifice: for this reason he says, 'Svâhâ! give (it) to the wind!'
29. He then offers up the barhis. The barhis, truly, is this world, and the barhis (consists of) plants hence he thereby bestows plants on this world, and these plants are safely established in this world for this reason he offers up the barhis.
30. This offering he makes as an additional one, since the samishtayagus is the end of the sacrifice, and consequently what comes after the samishtayagus is additional; and because, in performing the samishtayagus, he offers to those (deities), and thence additional unlimited plants are here produced.
31. He offers it, with the text (Vâg. S. II, 22), 'May the barhis combine with the sacrificial food, with the butter! May Indra combine with the Ådityas, the Vasus, the Maruts, and the Visve Devâh! May what (has been offered with) 'Svâhâ' go up to the heavenly ether 3!'
32. Having thereupon walked round (from the
1 Mahidhara refers gâtu-vidah and vittvâ to vid, 'to know.' " According to Harisvâmin, he does so, since that offering is made for the sake of dismissing (satisfying) the deities.
Mahidhara interprets, 'May Indra-together with the Âdityas, the Vasus, the Maruts, and the Visve Devâh-anoint the barhis thoroughly with the havis-like ghee,' &c.
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