stick (which was reserved at the time of kindling). He thereby kindles that (fire): ‘Let us perform in the well-kindled (fire) what part of the sacrifice remains unaccomplished !' thus he thinks, and for this reason he puts on the samidh.
4. The Hotri consecrates it (the kindling-stick), with the formula (Vág. S. II, 14 a), 'This, O Agni, is thy kindler; mayest thou grow and increase by it; and may we also grow and increase !' for even as before he recited over the fire when it was being kindled, so also now he recites. This is the Hotri's duty; but the sacrificer himself may pronounce the consecratory formula, if he think that the Hotri does not know it?
5. He (the Âgnfdhra) then sweeps (the fire) together. He thereby harnesses it: 'Thus harnessed, may it convey (to the gods) what part of the sacrifice still remains unaccomplished !' thus he thinks, and for this reason he sweeps it together. He sweeps
See I, 4, 1, 38. The Adhvaryu takes the fresh stick (samidh), asks the permission of the Brahman to step forward for the afterofferings; and orders the Agnidhra to put the stick on, and trim, the fire. Whilst the Brahman mutters his formula (Vâg. S. II, 12-13), "This thy sacrifice, O divine Savitri, they proclaimed to Brihaspati, the Brahman,' &c. (see 1, 7, 4, 21), the Agnidhra executes the Adhvaryu's orders. Kâty. III, 5, 1; II, 2, 21.
2 That is to say (as would appear), if the Hotri follows a school which does not recognise this particular ceremony as belonging to the Hotri's ritual. Thus the Asval. Sr. makes no mention of it, and hence a Hotri belonging to the Sâkala or Bâshkala sâkhâs would not undertake the recitation of this consecratory formula. The Sânkhây. Sr., on the other hand, does prescribe it (cf. Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollm. p. 135, note 4), and a Hotri of the Kaushitaki-sâ khâ would accordingly claim it as his privilege or duty to consecrate the samidh. For a somewhat different view, cf. Weber, Ind. Stud. X, 155; V, 408.
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