for she, the god-fashioned one, is indeed called hither as their Brahman.— Hither are called the divine Adhvaryus, called hither the human!'-—he thereby calls both the divine Adhvaryus and those that are human: the divine Adhvaryus indeed are the calves: (vatsak), and what others there are, are the human ones.
28. '-They who are to prosper this sacrifice, they who are to prosper the lord of sacrifice.' Those Brahmaras, who have studied and teach the Veda, assuredly prosper the sacrifice, since they spread (perform) and produce it: these he thereby propitiates. And the calves also assuredly make the lord of sacrifice prosper; for the lord of sacrifice who possesses abundance of them, does indeed prosper; for this reason he says, “They who are to prosper the lord of sacrifice.'
29. 'Hither are called the primeval, law-abiding; divine (fem.) heaven and earth, whose sons are gods.' He thereby calls to him those two, heaven and earth, within which all this (universe) is embraced. — Hither is called this sacrificer:' thereby he calls the sacrificer to him. Why he does not mention his name on this occasion, is that this is a mysterious benediction on the idâ. Were he, on the contrary, to mention the name, he would do what is human, and the human certainly is inauspicious at the sacrifice: hence he does not mention
? ? The commentator remarks: 'He says, The divine Adhvaryus assuredly are the calves,' because, in his opinion, the sân nâyya constitutes the sacrificial food which contains the Adhvaryus (havis— adhvaryuvat). In I, 1, 2, 17 we met with the Asvins as the two divine Adhvaryus.
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