this it is set forth how the gods caused that seed to spring? When the anger of the gods subsided, they cured Pragàpati and cut out that dart of this (Rudra); for Pragâpati, doubtless, is this sacrifice.
5. They said (to one another), 'Think of some means by which that (part of the sacrifice torn out with the dart) may not be lost, and how it may be but a small portion of the offering itself!'
6. They said, 'Take it round to Bhaga (Savitri, the Patron), who sits on the south side (of the sacrificial ground): Bhaga will eat it by way of foreportion ?, so that it may be as though it were offered. They accordingly took it round to Bhaga, who sat on the south side. Bhaga (Savitri) looked at it: it burnt out his eyes 8. And thus it came to pass. Hence they say, 'Bhaga is blind.'
7. They said, 'It has not yet become appeased here: take it round to Pashan!' They accordingly verses or couplets]; viz., Rig-veda III, 3, 'vaisvânarâya prithupagase,' &c., and I, 87, pratvakshasah pratavaso,' &c.; [Rig-veda I, 168, 1-2, stotriya ; VII, 16, 11-12, anurûpa); and Rig-veda I, 143, 'pratavyasîm navyasîm,' &c. (and X, 9, 'apo hi shthâ mayobhuvas,' &c.) respectively, at the Agnishtoma (and first day of the dvadasâha). See Åsv. Sr. V, 20, 5; Ait. Br. III, 35; IV, 30.
According to Ait. Br. III, 35, where this legend is also given in connection with the âgnimâruta sastra, Agni Vaisvânara, aided by the Maruts, stirred (and heated) the seed; and out of it sprang successively Âditya (the sun), Bhrigu, and the Adityas; whilst the coals (angâra) remaining behind became the Angiras, and Brihaspati, and the coal dust, the burnt earth and ashes were changed into various kinds of animals. According to Harisvâmin it would seem that our passage has to be understood to the effect that the composition of the âgnimâruta sastra shows the order of beings which the gods caused to spring forth from the seed. See also IV, 5, 1, 8.
• See note on I, 7, 4, 18.
s 'Nirdadâha.' The Kaushit. Br. VI, 10 (Ind. Stud. II, 306) and Yaska Nir. 12, 14 have nirgaghana, it knocked out his eyes.' The Kaushit. Br. also makes them first take the prâsitra to Savitri, and when it cut his hands, they gave him two golden ones.
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