(sânta), and the other names of his are inauspicious: hence it is offered to (him under the name of) 'Agni,' and to (him as) the Svishtakrit.
9. They (the gods) said, 'What we have offered unto thee who art in yonder place1, do thou render that well-offered (svishta) for us!' He made it well-offered for them; and this is the reason why (it is offered) to (Agni as) the Svishtakrit.
10. Having recited the invitatory formula 2, he (the Hotri) enumerates (those deities) which (have received oblations at the fore-offerings, butter-portions, &c.), as well as Agni Svishtakrit :- May Agni offer Agni's favourite dainties!' thereby he refers to Agni's butter-portion3.-' May he offer Soma's favourite dainties!' thereby he refers to Soma's butter-portion. May he offer Agni's favourite dainties!' thereby he refers to that indispensable cake for Agni which is (offered) on both occasions (at the new and full-moon sacrifices).
II. And so with the several deities. May he offer the favourite dainties of butter-drinking gods!' thereby he refers to the fore-offerings (prayâga) and after-offerings (anuyâga), for, assuredly, the butter-drinking gods (represent) the fore-offerings and after-offerings. May he offer Agni the Hotri's
1 That is, according to Sâyana, on the Âhavanîya fire-place. The anuvâkyâ for the Svishtakrit is Rig-veda X, 2, 1: piprîhi devâň usato yavishtha ('gladden thou the longing gods, O youngest !') &c. Âsv. S. I, 6, 2.
3 See I, 4, 2, 16-17. These formulas (nigada) of enumeration (ayâd agnir agneh priyâ dhâmâni, &c.-yakshad agner hotuh priyâ dhâmâni, &c.) form part of the offering-formula. The yâgyâ proper, however, which they precede is Rig-veda VI, 15, 14, agne yad adya viso adhvarasya hotah ['O Agni, Hotri of the cult! when this day (thou comest) to the men'], &c.
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