(the moon, masc.) is not seen that night either in the east or in the west, then he visits this world; and here he enters into the waters (f.) and plants (f.). He is indeed a treasure for the gods, he is their food. And since during that night he here dwells together(amå vas), therefore that (night of new moon) is called amâvâsyâ (the dwelling together, or at home).
6. They prepared it 2 (Soma for Indra), after having it collected, part by part, by the cows : in eating plants (they collected it) from the plants, and in drinking water (they collected it) from the waters. Having prepared and coagulated it, and made it strong (pungent), they gave it to him3.
7. He said, 'This does indeed satiate me, but it does not agree with met: devise some means by which it may agree with me!' They made it agree with him by means of boiled (milk).
8. Now although this (mixture of sweet and sour milk) is, indeed, one and the same substance—it being milk (payas) and belonging to Indra—they,
1 Viz. with the waters and plants (or, he stays at home). . It should be borne in mind that Soma is masculine in Sanskrit.
* In Taitt. S. II, 5, 3, 2 seq. the corresponding story is applied directly to the Sânnayya. In consequence of the struggle with Vritra, Indra lost his energy, which fell to the earth and produced plants and shrubs. He thereupon complained to Pragâpati, who bade the cattle collect (sam-nî) it again by browsing the plants and shrubs. It was then milked out from them, and as the milk did not agree with Indra, it was boiled, and as it still did not satisfy Indra, it was mixed with sour milk.
• Na mayi srayate, literally it does not stay in me'=na tishthati, na sâtmyam bhagate, Sâyana. The author here (as in I, 8, 1, 17) connects, or confounds, the verb sri with stâ, 'to cook, make done,'-hence, it does not boil in me;' the milk being warm, or, as it were, boiled, when it comes from the cow, see II, 2, 4, 15. Hence also boiled milk is mixed with the Soma.
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