the young, strong, and pure Maruts, as the plougher calls the cows.
20. Worship the Maruts with a song, they who are strong like a boxer, called in to assist those who call for him in all fights; (worship them) the most glorious, like bright-shining bulls.
21. Yes, O united friends, kindred, O Maruts, by a common birth, the oxen lick one another's humps'.
22. O ye dancers, with golden ornaments on your chests, even a mortal comes (to ask) for your brotherhood"; take care of us, ye Maruts, for your friendship lasts for ever.
23. O bounteous Maruts, bring us some of your Marut-medicine, you friends, and (quick, like) steeds.
24. With the favours whereby you favour the Sindhu, whereby you save, whereby you help Krivi , with those propitious favours be our delight, O delightful ones, ye who never hate your followers
25. O Maruts, for whom we have prepared good altars, whatever medicine i there is on the Sindhu, on the Asiknt, in the seas, on the mountains,
26. Seeing it, you carry it all on your bodies. Bless us with it! Down to the earth, O Maruts ', with what hurts our sick one,-straighten what is crooked!
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