Verse 6. Note 1. See Taitt. Br. II, 8, 5, 7. As to mimikshuh, see note to I, 165, 1.
Verse 6. Note 1. On préshatîbhih ásvaih, see II, 34, 4; V, 55, 6. Bergaigne's note (II, p. 378) does not settle the question whether the horses of the Maruts were speckled, or whether they had speckled deer for their horses.
Note 2. On rinaté vánani, see V, 57, 3.
Note 8. Dyaus, the father of the Maruts, the oldest and highest god of heaven, the strong bull, or, it may be, the man of the dawn. See v. Bradke, Dyaus Asura, p. 63; Bergaigne, I, p. 316.
Verse 7. Note 1. Roth conjectures svâm for svám, taking it as a locative of su, genetrix. This is not without difficulties, nor is it necessary. That we find in the Rig-veda no other locative in âm after monosyllabic stems in û is perhaps no serious objection. But the text as it stands can be translated, 'as a husband the germ, they have placed (sown) their own strength. Sávas is the same as vrlshnyam and vrlshni sávah in VIII, 3, 8; 10. Dhuh is used like dhå in retodha.
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