NOTES. 1, 37, 3.
tibhih would hardly allow us to join it with ásvaih, but where we must translate: When you come with the deer, the horses, the chariots, or with your deer, as horses. Ludwig joins prishatibhih with rishtibhih, and again in I, 64, 8; see note i to I, 87, 4.
Note 2. The spears and daggers of the Maruts are meant for the thunderbolts, and the glittering ornaments for the lightning. Sayana takes vási in this passage for war-cries on the authority of the Nirukta, where vási is given among the names of the voice. From other passages, however, it becomes clear that vast is a weapon of the Maruts; and Sayana, too, explains it sometimes in that sense : cf. V, 53, 4; 57, 2. Thus I, 88, 3, the vasis are spoken of as being on the bodies of the Maruts. In V, 53, 4, the Maruts are said to shine in their ornaments and their vâsîs. Here Sayana, too, translates vási rightly by weapon; and in his remarks on I, 88, 3, he says that vasi was a weapon commonly called ara, which is a shoemaker's awl. See Dhammapada, ver. 401. This reminds one of framea, which at one time was supposed to be connected with the German pfrieme. See, however, Grimm (Deutsche Grammatik, vol. i, p. 128) and Leo Meyer (Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. vi, p. 424). In VIII, 29, 3, the god Tvashtar is said to carry an iron vási in his hand. Grassman (Kuhn's Zeitschrift, vol. xvi, p. 163) translates vási by axe. That angl is to be taken in the sense of ornament, and not in the sense of ointment, is shown by passages like VIII, 29, I, where a golden ornament is mentioned, angi ankte hiranyáyam. Såkám, together, is used with reference to the birth of the Maruts; see I, 64, 4. It should not be connected with vásibhih.
Verse 3. WILSON: I hear the cracking of the whips in their hands, wonderfully inspiring (courage) in the fight.
BENFEY: Schier hier erschallt der Peitsche Knall, wenn sie in ihrer Hand erklingt ; leuchtend fahr'n sie im Sturm herab.
LUDWIG: Als wäre es hier, so hört man es, wenn die geisslen in ihren händen knallen; wunderbar strecken sie auf ihrer fart sich nieder.
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