varieties of Trishtubh. Preserving the same classification which I adopted before for the Gayatris, so as to include the important eighth syllable of the Trishtubh, which does not properly belong to the vritta, I maintain that class 4. vu-o, class 5. ----, and class 8. -uu- must be recognised as legimate endings in the hymns of the Veda, and that by recognising them we are relieved from nearly all, if not all, the more violent prosodial licences which Professor Kuhn felt himself obliged to admit in his theory of Vedic metres.
$ 4. UU-- The verses which fall under $4 are so numerous that after those of the first Mandala, mentioned above, they need not be given here in full. They are simply cases where the eighth syllable is not lengthened, and they cannot be supposed to run counter to any rule of the Pratisåkhya, for the simple reason that the Prátisåkhya never gave such a rule as that the eighth syllable must be lengthened, if the ninth is short. Examples will be found in the final påda of Trishtubhs: II, 30, 6; III, 36, 4; 53, 15; 54, 12; IV, 1, 16; 2, 7; 9; 11; 4, 12; 6, 1; 2; 4; 7, 7; 11, 5; 17, 3; 23,6; 24, 2; 27,1; 28, 5; 55, 5; 57, 2; V,1, 2; VI, 17, 10; 21, 8; 23, 7; 25,5; 29, 6; 33, 1; 62, 1; 63, 7; VII, 21, 5; 28, 3; 42, 4; 56, 15; 60, 10; 84, 2; 92, 4; VIII, 1, 33; 96, 9; IX, 92, 5; X, 61, 12; 13; 74, 3 ; 117, 7.
In support of $ 5. ----, the number of cases is smaller, but it should be remembered that it might be considerably increased if I had not restricted myself to the final pada of each Trishtubh, while the first, second, and third pâdas would have yielded a much larger harvest :
$ 5. ---- I, 89, 9. må no madhyâ rîrishatāyār gāntoh. I, 92, 6. supratîká saumanasāyāgīgah.
I, 114, 5; 117, 2; 122, 1; 122, 8; 186, 3; II, 4, 2; III, 49, 2 ; IV, 3, 9; 26, 6; V, 41, 14; VI, 25, 2; 66, 11; VII, 8, 6; 28, 4; 68, 1; 71, 2; 78, 1; 93, 76; IX, 90, 4; X, 11, 8.
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