the best, we desire to utter our supplications for the Kine. It is that chant which the saint has recognised as good and fruitful of blessed gifts, and which the sinner does not know? May we never reach that (ill-luck that the sinner) may outstrip us in our chanting), not in the matter of a plan (thought out), or of words (delivered), or ceremonies (done 2), nor yet in any offering whatever when he (?) approaches (us for harm).
VISPARAD XXIII (Sp. XXVI) 3. 1. We worship Ahura Mazda as the best* (worship to be offered in our gifts). We worship the Amesha Spenta (once more, and as) the best. We worship Asha Vahista (who is Righteousness the Best). And we sacrifice to those (prayers) which are evident as the best; that is, the Praises of the Yasnas.
Also we sacrifice to that best wish, which is that of Asha Vahista, and we worship Heaven, which is the best world of the saints, bright and all-glorious; and we sacrifice likewise to that best approach which leads to ' it. 2. And we sacrifice to that reward,
· The parties are divided by knowledge and ignorance (compare the Gnosis). See Y. XXXI, 12
* Not in thought, word, or deed may we reach (his) priority in progress.
o This piece from the later Avesta follows Y. LIII, in the Vendidad Sådah, and has reference to its expressions.
It is an important suggestion which holds vahistem as equal to saying vahistem,' in allusion to the Vahistå istis; but as the word is inflected further on see vahistahe), and as it moreover once applies to Asha, as Asha Vahista, it is better to render it as having adjective application throughout, being none the less, of course, an intentional echo of the first word of Y. LIII, 1.
• Or, of it'
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