pulous in their exactness (as) they utter words (of doctrine and of service), the most devoted (to their duties likewise), and the most glorious in their thoughts (?) And I invoke the most imposing forces of the Mazdayasnian Faith, and the fire-priests I invoke, and the charioteers, the warriors, and the thrifty tillers of the soil.
4. And to You, O Ye Bountiful Immortals! Ye who rule aright, and dispose (of all) aright, I offer the flesh of my very frame, and all the blessings of my life.
Thus the two spirits 8 thought, thus they spoke, and thus they did;
5. And therefore as Thou, O Ahura Mazda ! didst think, speak, dispose, and do all things good (for us), so to Thee would we give, so would we assign to Thee our homage ; so would we worship Thee with our sacrifices. So would we bow before Thee with these gifts, and so direct our prayers to Thee with confessions of our debt.
6. By the kinship of the good kindred“, by that of Righteousness the good (Thy righteous servant's nature) would we approach Thee, and by that of the good thrift-law, and of Piety the good.
7. And we would worship the Fravashi of the Kine of blessed gift", and that of the holy Gaya Maretan, and we would worship the holy Fravashi
1 I should think that the reference was here to khratavo, Y. XLVI, 3. See Y. XXXII, 14, as alternatively rendered.
* A portion of the text has here fallen out.
3 The recognition of a strong dualism here is imperative. Abura alone is praised.
• Or, of the good kinsman, the lord (?).'
• Elsewhere meaning 'meat,' just as Ameretatâl and Haurvatål mean wood and water. • Or, 'sanctity and the Fravashi.'
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