Asha Vahista (who is Righteousness the Best) and to Ahura Mazda's Fire.
7. And I offer with a complete and sacred offering to Uzayêirina, Frâdat-vira, and to the Dahvyuma*, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to that lofty Ahura Napât-apãm, and to the waters which Mazda created.
8. And I offer with a complete and sacred offering to Aiwisrůthrima, the life-furtherer, and to Frâdatvispâm-hugyâiti, and to the Zarathustrôtema, and to the Fravashis of the saints, and to the women who have many sons, and to the Prosperous home-life which endures (without reverse) throughout the year, and to Force, the well-shaped and stately, and to the Blow which smites with victory Ahura-given, and to the Victorious Ascendency (which it secures).
9. And I offer with a complete and sacred offering to Ushahina, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to Beregya, and Nmânya, and to Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, endowed with sanctity, who smites with the blow of victory, and makes the settlements advance, and to Rashnu the most just, and to Arstât who furthers the settlements and causes them to increase.
10. And I offer with a complete and sacred offering to the Mâhya, lords of the ritual order, to the new and the waning moon (the moon within), and to the full moon which scatters night, holy lords of the ritual order.
11. And I offer with a complete and sacred offering to the Yearly festivals, the lords of the ritual order, to Maidhyö-zaremaya, and Maidhyô-shema, to Paitishahya, and to Ayâthrima the furtherer (the breeder), the spender of the strength of males, and
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