II, 7, 1.
1. The king said: 'In how many ways, Nagasena, does memory spring up?'.
'In sixteen ways, o king. That is to say: by personal experience ', as when the venerable Ananda, or the devoted woman Khugguttarâ, or any others who had that power, called to mind their previous births-[79] or by outward aid?, as when others continue to remind one who is by nature forgetful-or by the impression made by the greatness of some occasions, as kings remember their coronation day, or as we remember the day of our conversion-by the impression made by joy, as when one remembers that which gave him pleasure-or by the impression made by sorrows, as when one remembers that which pained him-or from similarity of appearances, as on seeing one like them we call to mind the mother or father or sister or brother, or on seeing a camel or an ox or an ass we call to mind others like them-or by difference of appearance ?, as when we remember that such and such a colour, sound, smell, taste, or touch belong to such and such a thing or by the knowledge of speech ®, as when one who is by nature forgetful is reminded by others and then himself remembers—or by a sign®, as when we recognise a draught bullock by a brand mark or some other sign-or from effort to recollect 10, as when one by
· Abhigânato. Katumikâya. Olârika-viAtânato. • Hita-vinnânato.
Ahita-viññanato. 6 Sabha ga-nimittato.
7 Visa bhaga-nimittato. Kathâbhinnânato. Lakkhanato. 10 Saranato.
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