produce, and help bring on (that Sovereign Power) which is the best for us at every present hour.
2. And first I will ask for these two blessings of Your own, O Thou Great Creator, and thou His Righteous Order! and I also ask of thee, Our Piety (personified, as well); and grant me this Your Sovereign Rule over our desired wealth (to give and to preserve it; and likewise) those spiritual blessings which are advantageous for our worship (of Ahura) through (the inspiration of His) Good Mind (within the soul).
3. (And it is not I alone who thus appeal to You; I speak for all) who are guarded in the (ceremonial and moral) actions of Your (law), and by those (inspired) words (which proceed) from the tongue of Thy Good Mind (as he speaks within Thy Mãthra). Yea, these are all assembling (each) to hear You, of whom Thou, O Ahura Mazda ! art the foremost guide 2 and light.
4. (And they cry aloud to Thee, O Mazda! I speaking with them, and in their name) : Where is the (promised) lord of our thrift (the embodied law, saving us from the most dreaded dangers that we fear", the thrift-lord) of (our) ready zeal? Where
1 I have rather reluctantly read yêka with long e. Having in mind Y. XXX, 1, where Sp.'s B. reads yaêka, and reading yaềkâ here, we might regain the lost dual neuter of the pronoun here as in Y. XXX, I, and so render, and which two things belong to thee, the possession (rule) of wealth and the blessings.
Roth, cited by Geldner, changes to ashayaềká here and in Y. XXX, 1; and it is certainly striking that ashâ yê kâ should occur twice. I render as above, first, as nearer our MSS., and as affording a good sense. ? See Y. XXXI, 17.
. See verse 5. • See Y. XXIX, 1; Y. XXXII.
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