sense of hetvâbhâsa, a fallacious argument, and the Sûtra is explained as being directed against the reasoning of those Vedāntins according to whom the soul is Brahman in so far as limited by non-real adjuncts'.
PÂDA IV. Adhik. I, II, III (1-4; 5-6; 7) teach that the prânas (by which generic name are denoted the buddhindriyas, karmendriyas, and the manas) spring froni Brahman; are eleven in number; and are of minute size (anu).
Adhik. IV, V, VI (8 ; 9-12; 13) inform us also that the mukhya prâna, i.e. the vital air, is produced from Brahman; that it is a principle distinct from air in general and from the prânas discussed above; and that it is minute (anu).
Adhik. VII and VIII (14-16; 17-19) teach that the prånas are superintended and guided in their activity by special divinities, and that they are independent principles, not mere modifications of the mukhya prâna.
Adhik. IX (20-22) declares that the evolution of names and forms (the nâmarûpavyâkarana) is the work, not of the individual soul, but of the Lord.
PÂDA I. Adhik. I (1-7) teaches that the soul, when passing out of the body at the time of death, remains invested with the subtle material elements (bhûtasûkshma) which serve as an abode to the prânas attached to the soul.
Adhik. II (8-11) shows that, when the souls of those who had enjoyed the reward of their good works in the moon descend to the earth in order to undergo a new embodiment, there cleaves to them a remainder (anusaya) of their
1 Napa bhrántabrahmagivavade spy avidyakritopadhibhedad bhogavyavasthadaya upapadyanta ata aha, Abhåsa eva ka. Akhandaikarasaprak&samatratvarūpasya svarûpatirodhanapûrvakopädhibhedopapådanahetur abhasa eva. Prakasaikasvardpasya prakåsatirodhanam prakasanåsa eveti prag evopapåditam. Abhasa eveti va pashah, tathå sati hetava abhåsah.
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