Adhik. VIII (24, 25) decides that the person of the size of a thumb mentioned in Katha Up. II, 4, 12 is not the individual soul but Brahman.
The two next adhikaranas are of the nature of a digression. The passage about the angushthamâtra was explained on the ground that the human heart is of the size of a span ; the question may then be asked whether also such individuals as belong to other classes than mankind, more particularly the Gods, are capable of the knowledge of Brahman: a question finally answered in the affirmative.This discussion leads in its turn to several other digressions, among which the most important one refers to the problem in what relation the different species of beings stand to the words denoting them (Sätra 28). In connexion herewith Sankara trcats of the nature of words (sabda), opposing the opinion of the Mîmâmsaka Upavarsha, according to whom the word is nothing but the aggregate of its constitutive letters, to the view of the granımarians who teach that over and above the aggregate of the letters there exists a supersensuous entity called 'sphota,' which is the direct cause of the apprehension of the sense of a word (Adhik. IX; Sátras 26-33).
Adhik. X (34-38) explains that Sûdras are altogether disqualified for Brahmavidya.
Satra 39 constitutes, according to Sankara, a new adhikarana (XI), proving that the prâna in which everything trembles, according to Katha Up. II, 6, 2, is Brahman.According to Ramânuga the Sûtra does not introduce a now topic but merely furnishes an additional reason for the
parabrahmânukârah szûyate yadå pasyah pasyate rukmavarnam kartáram isam purusha m brahmayonim tada vidvân punyapåpe vidhilya nirantganah paramam sâmyam upaitity atos nukartâ praga pativákyanirdishtah anukaryam param brahma na daharakasah. Api ka sinaryate. Samsårino spi muktavasthayam paramasamyåpattilakshanah parabrahmânukårah smaryate idam granam upasritya, &c.—Kekid anukrites tasya kapi smaryate iti ka sūtradvayam adhikaranántaram tam eva bhantam anubhâti sarvam tasya bhåså sarvam idam vibhátity asyak sruteh parabrahmaparatvanirnayâya pravrittam vadanti. Tat tv adrisyatvådigunako dharmokteh dyabhvadyâyatanam svasabdad ity adhi karanadvayena tasya prakaranasya brahmavishayatvapratipadanåt gyotiskarana bhidhånåt ity adishu parasya brahmano bhårûpatvavagates ka pûrvapakshanutthånad ayaktam strakshara vairapyak ka.
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