IX, 28.
23. Should even the father, grandfather, and greatgrandfather of a man be alive, land having been possessed by him for thirty years, without intervention of strangers,
24. It should be considered as possession extending over one generation ; possession continued for twice that period is called possession) extending over two generations; possession continued for three times that period (is called possession) extending over three generations. (Possession continued) longer than that even, is (called) possession of long standing.
25. When the present occupant is impeached, a document or witness is considered as) decisive. When he is no longer in existence, possession alone is decisive for his sons.
26. When possession extending over three generations has descended to the fourth generation, it becomes legitimate possession, and a title must never be inquired for.
27. When possession undisturbed (by others) has been held by three generations (in succession), it is not necessary to produce a title; possession is decisive in that case.
28. In suits regarding immovable property, (pos23, 24. Smritik. pita pitâmaho yasya gîvek ka prapilâmahah i trimsat sama ya tu bhukta bhQmir avyâhatá paraih i bhuktih sâ paurushî gñeyâ dvigunâ ka dvipaurushỉ 1 tripaurushî ka trigunâ paratah syâk kirantani il
25. Smritik. yatrâhartâbhiyuktah syâl lekhyam sâkshî tada guruhi tadabhâve tu putrânâm bhuktir ekâ garîyasî il
26. Smritik. bhuktis tripurushî ya ka katurthe sampravartita i tad bhogasthiratâm yâti na prikkhed âgamam kvakit il
27. Smritik. anishedhena yad bhuktam purushais tribhir eva tu i tatra naivâgamah kâryo bhuktis tatra garîyasî ll
28. Smritik. sthavareshu vivadeshu kramåt tripurushi ka ya 1 svatantraiva hi sâ gñeyå pramânam sâdhyanirnaye 11
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